There is the structure in the low-structure room. The village is home to some, actually most. So for those who are still there and for those who come after all to visit the parents. If there is space in the freezer, slaughtering takes place. When you sing, it's not because it sounds nice, but because it feels right. The pastor's child cannot roller-skate and will never learn it. But that's not a problem, because the bus arrives at 7:24 a.m.
30 years after the end of the GDR, "NOR." takes a look at the state of affairs in a Thuringian village.
Documentary theater with objects about life in places where everyone just drives through.
“For almost three quarters of an hour, Josephine Hock holds the acting tension and thus the attention of her audience. She can be comic, girly, serious, and ugly - and she can: breaks. She has an extremely fine sensorium for silence, for the unspoken question in the room: Is that so in the country or is it a punch line? "
Jury justification for the award at Freisprung Festival Rostock 2019

Idee und Realisierung: Josephine Hock
Dramaturgie: Clara Fritsche
Unterstützung Bühnenelektrizität: Ingo Mewes
Plakatgestaltung: Robert Ziesenis
Diplominszenierung an der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ Berlin, Abteilung Zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst
Premiere: 27.05.19 beim internationalen Erlangen

Ausgezeichnet mit dem 1. Platz beim Freisprung Festival Rostock 2019
Nominiert für den Aargauer Förderpreis für junges Figurentheater „Grünschnabel“ 2020
Gastspiele: Erlangen, Lingen, Berlin, Rostock, Ludwigslust, Greifswald, Halle, Bad Liebenwerda, München, Braunschweig, Bochum, Cottbus, Potsdam, Dessau, Mannheim, Osnabrück
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch den Deutschen Bühnenverein, Landesverband Berlin