A wide variety of people live in house no. 69 - they know each other by sight, but they know nothing about their lives, their loves and their lust. The older woman on the first floor had sex in the cornfield and found it very arousing. In the apartment under the roof, they sometimes tie each other up and sometimes not. Magnus doesn't feel like it at the moment and for Beate, orgasms are I-must-have-it-now moments. They all talk openly about passion and doubts. It's about performance pressure, cucumbers, the fear of being hurt, exuberant desire and, of course, condoms.
Documentary narrative theater with objects about talking about a topic that most people think about and few talk about in public.

This production has the option of audio description for blind and visually impaired audiences.
Following the performance, it is possible to take part in a mobile follow-up discussion.
Idee und Realisierung: Josephine Hock
Ferndramaturgie: Clara Fritsche
Temporärer Draufblick: Friederike Förster, Clara Fritsche
Kostümberatung: Luise Ehrenwerth
Nachgesprächsformat: Geheime Dramaturgische Gesellschaft
Software-Implementierung Nachgespräch: Jakob Köhler, Jona Welsch
Audiodeskription: Jutta Polić, Charlotte Miggel, Anke Nicolai
Koproduktion mit: Schaubude Berlin
Dauer: 70 min
Premiere: 25.09.20 in der Schaubude Berlin
Gastspiele: Berlin, Lingen, Osnabrück